Do You Know The Abilities of LOL Champions? Quiz
1. Which company developed and publishes League of Legends?
2. When did League of Legends first come out?
3. Which game mode is typically played in professional League of Legends tournaments?
4. What is the term used to describe the act of being killed repeatedly, and thereby assisting the enemy team?
Do You Know The Abilities of LOL Champions? Quiz
5. What is the term used to describe when a player is temporarily unavailable?
6. What role does the champion Soraka fill?
7. What type of creature is Warwick?
8. What is the name of the blind monk who can manipulate his surroundings with his martial arts?
Which Champion Am I in LOL? Quiz
9. Which champion has the ability to manipulate time?
10. Which champion has the ability to clone themselves?
11. Which champion is known as the "Grand Duelist"?
12. Which champion is a giant, armored bear?