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Which Ancient Chinese TV Drama Heroine Are You?

1. How do you react to praise?

I'm happy and pleased.

I'm careful and don't believe it all.

I use it to my advantage.

I don't really care.

2. If you're uncomfortable in a social situation, what will you do?

I'll try to talk to people.

I'll find a quiet place to sit.

I'll watch and learn from others.

I'll leave and find a better place.

3. What if a friend asks for help?

I'll help, even if it's hard for me.

I'll help, but only if it does not hurt me.

I'll tell them to ask someone else.

Depends on the situation.

4. If your opinion is different from others, what will you do?

I'll stick to my opinion and try to convince others.

I'll stay quiet to avoid arguing.

I'll go along with what most people think.

I'll try to find a compromise.

5. As a team leader, what's your style?

I like to work together and make decisions as a team.

I'll give everyone a role that suits them.

I'll be in charge and make most decisions.

I'll let team members do their own thing independently.

6. How do you handle a friend's unreasonable request?

I'll say no directly and tell them why.

I'll try to help but share my worries.

I'll say no nicely to avoid hurting them.

I'll agree but feel bad inside.

7. How do you feel when a friend succeeds?

I'm really happy for them.

I'm a bit jealous but still happy for them.

It inspires me to do better.

I don't care and focus on my own work.

8. If a team member isn't doing well, what do you do?

I'll talk to them privately and help.

I'll talk about it in a meeting.

I'll do extra work to make up for it.

I'll tell our boss.

9. How do you clear up a misunderstanding with a friend?

I'll explain right away.

I'll wait for them to figure it out.

I'll show them through my actions.

I'll feel bad and might pull away.

10. If a friend tells you a secret, what will you do?

I'll keep it secret.

I'll tell if it's not safe for others.

I might accidentally tell someone.

I'll only tell someone I really trust.

11. If a friend slips up in public, what's your reaction?

I'll help them out.

I'll stay away from the situation.

I'll see how others react first.

I'll talk to them privately.