Do You Know The Abilities of LOL Champions? Quiz
1. When facing difficulties, how do you prefer to handle them?
2. What is your view on fantasy elements like magic and souls?
3. When entering an empty room, where do you prefer to stand?
4. How do you feel about "betrayal"?
Do You Know The Abilities of LOL Champions? Quiz
5. In movies, what type of characters do you prefer?
6. You are camping with friends when you hear dangerous sounds nearby at midnight. How would you react?
7. How do you react when you are misunderstood?
8. When your best friend needs to leave due to unavoidable circumstances, and you may never see each other again, how do you feel?
9. Are you attentive to small changes in people around you, like changing accessories or tastes?
10. During your break time, what do you prefer to do?