Quiz: Am I Straight - Test Your Heterosexuality
1. What is your preferred seat in the classroom?
2. Which hand do you prefer to wear your watch or jewelry on?
3. Do you like profiteroles/cream puffs?
4. If you encounter a situation that you struggled with before, what would you do?
Quiz: Am I Straight - Test Your Heterosexuality
5. What could be the gender of your partner?
6. Would you want to escape if your partner relies heavily on you?
7. If you find out that your partner doesn't love you as much as you love them, would you still continue loving them the same way?
8. Would you prefer to have your coffee with milk and sugar?
9. What do you consider most before making decisions?
10. How do you feel when someone of the opposite sex expresses a desire to be friends with you?
Graysexual Test: Am I Graysexual? Quiz